It's been a long, tiring, productive day. I'm going to make this quick.
Con, Shelly and I go to an itty bitty town called Rincon every Monday. There, Con teaches cooking classes to a group of women. We sell their wares in Xalapa and the women sell their stuff in Rincon. It's a really nice program.
Meanwhile, I teach their kids English. It's a great opportunity for the kids, because they wouldn't normally get a chance to learn English until secondary school, so this gives them a step up above the rest. They've never had any prior instruction - I hope I can make the most of our time together. The kids are great and seem eager to learn. We had a lot of fun together today, but dang did they ever wear the poop out of me! I'm going to sleep like a baby tonight.
To get to Ricon, we have to take two buses, and then walk for about two miles down a dusty old road. The whole process takes about 2.5 hours. Today we got to the bus station an hour early, foolishly thinking that Daylight Savings was a global event. Not in Mexico!
I think things went pretty smoothly today. The women hearted Con Con's carrot cake (obviously) and the kids hearted me (obviously). Tomorrow I teach kindergarten in the morning, mentally handicapped kids in the afternoon, teachers in the evening, then spanish class, and finally salsa class at 9:00. It's gonna be a doozy. Con also is teaching teachers english tomorrow, then Spanish class, then teaching a group of teenaged boys (who love him - it's a really fun class, I helped out last week - one boy is the spitting image of George Michael from Arrested Development, except brown, and he's just as awesome), then salsa class. In conclusion, es tiempo para dormir. Buenos Noches!
(Side note: Lizzy, get well soon! I heard you were sick! And Lucy, thank you for mentioning me to Nick's mom, it sounds like she's working for a really cool program!)
Hooray! News from Mexico at LAST! Very nice stories, and very good picturas. Especially liked the "Abby's Class" photo; nice looking kids, and a great looking teacher! These little updates are MUCH appreciated in del norte, where, by the way, it is snowing as the temperature tanks (below zero by morning; maybe a foot of snow up in Duluth). Miss you all, but glad you're having FUN and working HARD. Love, OMR
ReplyDeleteCon: what do you teach the boys? your pix go great with abs' words. Nice job! Abby: you'll have to teach me to salsa for your wedding!! love y'all....